Imps:  The slaves of Hell, but with one special purpose. 10 minutes to visit Earth, to find their target and “transfer” them to a more deserving fate. Soul takers.

Could be worse. Much worse. You could have your new magical body turned inside out, just so your pulsing organs can be whipped, for example.

Well, it is Hell: by definition it is supposed to be bad!

For Derek, Adrian and the others, death was just a passing headache and a bile churning surprise. Caught up in the final battle for domination over the Earth, the new recruits find that the outcome of existence may well depend on them.

Oh F***!

A picturesque journey of life, death, friendship, treachery, shite, more death, bile, killing, slug slime, torture, power, balance, mythical creatures, old Gods, battles and love.

Or a story to exercise a reader’s understanding of the Why of Heaven and Hell and the truth of right and wrong.

But then again, it could just be the wonderings of a searching and desperate mind.

IMPS now on Kindle
We are proud to announce that the Imps book is now on as
an E-book in 2 parts.

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Kindle is available in the following platforms:
Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mac, and PC.

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